Pennsic Youth Instrumental Consort
The Youth Instrumental Consort is open to all youth ages 11-19 who play an acoustic instrument (meaning it does not have to be plugged in to be played in a performance) and can read standard notation for your instrument. No audition is required to participate.
Rehearsals will be from 9:00am - 9:45am daily from Sunday, August 4, 2024 until Thursday, August 8, at the Performing Arts Rehearsal Classroom (PARC). We will participate in a Dress Rehearsal/Recording Session on Thursday, Aug. 8 at noon, and perform on Thursday, August 8 at 6:00PM, as a transition between the Known World Recorders Concert and the Pennsic Choirs Concert. Your director will provide you with a media release to sign.
The Pennsic 51 Youth Instrumental Consort will be directed by Lady Tangwystl verch Gruffydd.