KWC Top Ten Songs

At a KWC organizational meeting at Pennsic 39 it was suggested that the Known World Choirs select ten period choral pieces that every member of the KWC community should know. A common repertoire helps create a sense of belonging and group identity, because when everyone knows a set of songs, any choir members can get together and sing them with little or no rehearsal. The pieces chosen are flexible and easy enough for a variety of different types of ensembles, such as all women, adults with kids, beginning singers, etc. Based on a survey of the KWC community, the following pieces were chosen:

  1. Pastime with Good Company (attributed to Henry VIII, three parts S, A/T, B)
  2. Sumer is icumen in (Anonymous, round + ground)
  3. Alle Psallite (Anonymous, 3-part S, A , T/B, with the bottom part high enough to be sung by altos)
  4. Ah Robin (Cornysh, 3-part S, A, T/B, with the bottom part high enough to be sung by altos)
  5. Sing We and Chant It (Morley, SSATB)
  6. Stella Splendens (Anonymous, 2-part SA, SB, or TB)
  7. There Were Three Ravens (Ravenscroft, SATB)
  8. Belle Qui Tient Ma Vie (Arbeau, SATB)
  9. Tanzen und Springen (Hassler, SSATB)
  10. Remember, O Thou Man (Ravenscroft, SATB)

These songs are a great starting places for any new singing group, and make for a common repertoire for pickup and other informal singing. Copyright-free editions of the sheet music are available at the links above.

- Master Robyn Solarius (mka Dave Rubin) dsrubin1 (at) gmail (dot) com