Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a place for all people to learn about and participate in the practice and performance of pre-17th century polyphonic choral music.

Board of Directors

The KWC is governed by a Board of Directors composed of all past and present directors of the KWC choirs around the SCA who wish to be involved. They currently include

THLady Siri Toivosdottir (Middle)
THLady Siri Toivosdottir (Middle) - jonisyngs (at) aol (dot) com
Lady Pia Maletesta d'Rimini/Erlan Nordenskaldr (East)
Lady Pia Maletesta d'Rimini/Erlan Nordenskaldr (East) - piamaletesta (at) gmail (dot) com
Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope (AEthelmearc)
Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope (AEthelmearc) - ariannawyn (at) gmail (dot) com
Master Robyn Solarius (Middle)
Master Robyn Solarius (Middle) - dsrubin1 (at) gmail (dot) com
Mistress Arianna Morgan (Atlantia)
Mistress Arianna Morgan (Atlantia) - chrissings (at) juno (dot) com
THLady Rachel Dalicieux (AEthelmearc)
THLady Rachel Dalicieux (AEthelmearc) - friscokitty (at) hotmail (dot) com
Mistress Deonna von Aachen (East)
Mistress Deonna von Aachen (East) - bgurzler (at) gmail (dot) com
Lady Tangwystl verch Gruffydd (Middle)
Lady Tangwystl verch Gruffydd (Middle) - tangymarimba (at) gmail (dot) com
Thome Spyle Syngere (Atenveldt)
Thome Spyle Syngere (Atenveldt) - spell542001 (at) yahoo (dot) com
THLady Cynthia Anne of Silver Lakes (Atlantia)
THLady Cynthia Anne of Silver Lakes (Atlantia) - ladycynth (at) msn (dot) com
Ermagerd le Tours/Ermagerd Nobilis (Ansteorra)
Ermagerd le Tours/Ermagerd Nobilis (Ansteorra) - TheDivineM (at) yahoo (dot) com
Mistress Amelie d'Anjou (Middle)
Mistress Amelie d'Anjou (Middle) - espreichardt (at) gmail (dot) com
Lady Elfrida Scholastica Eliensis
Lady Elfrida Scholastica Eliensis - eliensis (at) me (dot) com
Lord Dunstan Stonehill (Atlantia)
Lord Dunstan Stonehill (Atlantia) - donald (dot) e (dot) sutton (at) gmail (dot) com
Nicholas Robynson (Middle)
Nicholas Robynson (Middle) - kyril96 (at) gmail (dot) com

On Crusade:

Master Kieran MacRae
Master Kieran MacRae - rstrobel (at) gmail (dot) com
Lord Cailin mac Andréis (Middle)
Lord Cailin mac Andréis (Middle)
Mistress Gianetta Andreini da Vicenza (Middle)
Mistress Gianetta Andreini da Vicenza (Middle) - jenrsmall (at) yahoo (dot) com


The Board members have identified a set of goals and activities that we would like the KWC to accomplish as an organization. Some of these will be handled by directors, but we will need assistance from other KWC members. Volunteering is encouraged!

The following areas of responsibility are designated within the KWC Board:

  • Logistics: Assisting and educating new directors in how to run SCA choirs at Wars, including choosing music, getting music files posted online, advertising the choir on the war websites, setting up registration via those websites, scheduling venues for rehearsals and performance, registering the choir as part of the war's classes, handling physical issues like risers and stage space, dealing with sheet music on site, and debriefing each year's directors regarding any changes or improvements that year. Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope handles this for Pennsic, Lady Erlan handles it for Estrella.
  • Library: Maintaining music files from each year's performance, including sheet music, audio learning tracks, and concert recordings, so they are available to all members of the KWC as well as those interested in performing the same music in their local or Kingdom groups. This also includes lists of pieces performed at each war. Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope started this website but all Board members will be contributing.
  • Advertising/promotion: marketing of each group to the intended audience, to help recruit singers and attract audiences. All directors and KWC members are encouraged to assist with this.
  • Recruitment: of both singers and potential directors. All directors will participate, but we would like all KWC members to assist in this effort!
  • Training and mentoring of future KWC directors by teaching master classes in conducting led by past directors, and taking assistants to serve as section leads or help run warm-ups or portions of rehearsals. All directors will participate. Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope and Lady Erlan Nordenskaldr teach conducting classes each Pennsic; check the University listing for times and locations.
  • Digitizing music: converting music to electronic audio files for singers to use in learning the music for each concert. Master Robyn and THLady Siri are handling this.
  • Performance practice: serving as a resource for period music practices, including pronunciations and translations. Lady Erlan Nordenskaldr is the primary resource for this.
  • Education: Encouraging the teaching of music classes (in addition to the actual choirs) at wars by working with the Pennsic Performing Arts Coordinator and the Pennsic University, and by recruiting teachers and assisting them with registering to teach as needed.
  • Meetings: The Board of Directors meet twice a year, once in person at Pennsic and once via conference call/online conference in the winter to assess progress in goals and determine any new initiatives or needs which the directors should address. Directors also stay in touch throughout the year via email.
  • Finances: The financial requirements for the KWC are minimal. Music and binders are paid for by participants, and announcements in the Pennsic Independent are usually paid for by directors.

Known World Choir Ambassadors

We are looking for at least one person from each Kingdom to serve as a KWC ambassador, with duties to include:

  • Posting info about KWCs to their Kingdom lists, including forwarding messages from the Board of Directors
  • Serving as a contact person for choral musicians in their kingdoms looking for information and assistance
  • Facilitating the learning of KWC repertoire, possibly by running pre-war rehearsals at Kingdom and local universities/scholas